a platypus

The Platypus House

We were totally thrilled to come across this place on our recent Tasmanian Adventure. We’d found Tassie a little less exciting than we’d expected, so we decided to end our trip early. Just before we were to head back to Hobart, we spotted a sign for the Platypus House. Excited, beyond belief, because this was one of the things we were most wanting to see. But man, they are violent little creatures. They look so cute and innocent, but girls, those males are anything but! An added bonus for us was after being with the platypus, we were escorted into another room and had echidna’s running around our feet. So precious. I highly recommend The Platypus House. It’s about 50 minutes from Launceston, but really amazing. Check out their website for tour times and check my review here.

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